
With more and more people foregoing alcohol, I thought I would share this post from Giadzy:  Being able to offer your guests a non-alcoholic beverage to enjoy at your wedding is a nice touch!

The summer months are filled with vacation days for many of us and with that time off comes socializing and probably indulging in a lot of wine and cocktails.

As we head into fall, consider trying out a few nonalcoholic cocktails, or mocktails as many people are calling them. Just remember this isn’t your average sickly sweet Shirley Temple — think more herbal or tart instead of sugary when it comes to making them.  When you want something more than plain sparkling water, give one of these balanced drinks a try.

And as a side note, don’t worry; all of these make great starting points or additions for boozy drinks on days you want to reach for something a bit stronger.

Non-Alcoholic Spirits:

This is a must try for your next mocktail creation. Seedlip has created the world’s first distilled non-alcoholic spirit or as they say on their website, “What to drink when you’re not drinking.”  There are currently two types to try, with a third on the way: Garden 108, an herbal blend with the essence of garden fresh peas and Spice 94, with notes of allspice and citrus. Try adding tonic to both of these with a citrus peel or sprig of your favorite herb. On their website you can also find creative non-alcoholic cocktail recipes to try for a more complex flavor profile.

Drinking Vinegars:

Drinking vinegars or shrubs are refreshingly fruity, sweet and tart bases that can be added to soda water to create an adult version of a soft drink.

Pok Pok Som vinegars come in nine signature flavors including tamarind, Thai basil, pomegranate and turmeric as well as seasonal flavors like blood orange and cardamom tangerine

Shrub and Co. has created eight unique flavors like spicy ginger, Yucat√°n honey, and Douglas fir infused cranberry.


Sparkling Water

Not your average sparkling water, Found has created grown-up flavors like Elderflower, Cucumber Mint and Watermelon Basil.  These flavors are refreshing, especially when adding in herbs, fruit pieces or even a drinking vinegar or shrub listed above to take these sparkling waters to a whole new level.


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